Was the last battle you had with a rope the rope climb in gym class? Those super-sized ropes you see people slamming around at the gym (The ones that resemble your grade school nemesis?) are your ticket to scoring a slammin’ body.

Maybe you’ve seen them being used on footage of athletes training or at the Crossfit Games, but battle ropes are more then just a workout tool for the elite athlete.

The ropes are good for all fitness levels since workouts are adaptable. Plus the workouts place minimal stress on your joints making them a low-impact exercise; and more then okay for beginners or those coming back from injury.

A study in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that when people did 10 15-second sets of rope exercises with 45-seconds of rest in between, they burned an average of 112 calories. That’s only 2 1/2 minutes of work!

This is because battle rope training involves the entire body – engaging the neuromuscular system to apply force that begins at the core and extends through the arms and legs.

Speed is the name of the game in battle rope training. The quicker the ropes travel the higher the intensity. These rapid movements tax the body building explosiveness, as well as anaerobic and aerobic endurance.

Plus, battle rope workouts look really impressive yet they are simple to use and readily avaiable to use at Elite Sport & Fitness. Next time you’re in the gym, grab some ropes, hit the turf and preform this Battle Rope Workout, similar to one you’d do at Training Club.

6-Minute Battle Rope Workout

Exercises designed by Trevor Bertlesman, ACSM-CPT; NASM-CPT; USAW Level 1 Weightlifting

Equipment: One battle rope and a heavy piece of equipment to anchor it.

Set-Up: Anchor the center of the rope around a heavy weight or machine. Walk the rope out to where it lays straight and the handles are even. Start with first exercise doing as many reps as possible for 20-seconds and resting for 10-seconds. Complete 1 to 4 rounds. To advance the workout, add a 30-second plank hold in between the 20-seconds of work and 10-seconds of rest.

Caution: Please perform this workout after you are warm and ready. Warm-up with a light jog on the treadmill, elliptical or bike.

Jumping Jacks

  • Starting with a reverse grip on the rope, ensuring there is enough slack in the rope.
  • While holding the rope, begin doing a series of jumping jacks.

Duel Alternating Whips (low)

  • Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees bent and holding the rope with an underhand grip  in each hand.
  • Leaning forward from the hips, begin to alternate moving your hands up and down to create small, quick alternating waves.


  • Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees bent and holding the rope with an underhand grip  in each hand.
  • Forcefully begin to swing the ropes forward and back crossing over in the front of your body; alternating hands.

Duel Alternating Whips (High)

  • Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees bent and holding the rope with an underhand grip  in each hand.
  • Lean forward from the hips and forcefully throw your right arm to shoulder height and left arm down towards knees, switching sides to create big alternating waves.


  • Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees bent and holding the rope with an underhand grip  in each hand.
  • Raise your arms, forcibly flex and extend your shoulders, and slam the rope as you squat.
  • After you slam, extend at the hip and stand up, returning to the starting position.


  • Keep knees over toes (do not let them collapse inward)
  • Engage your core (think “tall and strong”)
  • Maintain a flat back
  • Keep shoulders pulled back (think “proud chest”)
  • Maintain neutral head position

Want more battle rope workouts? Hit up Trevor’s classes at Elite Sport & Fitness’s Training Club.